Efficient removal of tar, asphalt and bitumen? Is that possible?

What is bitumen?

One of the oldest petroleum products is bitumen. Beyond the possibility of extracting bitumen from petroleum, there is naturally occurring bitumen. This is also called natural bitumen. This complex material is usually found as a black, sticky and viscoelastic product. It is extracted from fossil raw materials such as pitch or shale. Bitumen is very solid and has a predominantly rubbery or plastic-like consistency and a characteristic odor. It is often used as a waterproofing material for roofs or as tar or for asphalt roads and is common in many areas of the world.

Bitumen is used in many different products, including rubber mats, sealing rings for car parts and toothpaste. But it can also do some heavier jobs - for example, it can be used as an adhesive, or it can be used as a filler for cracks and holes. Bitumen is processed in industry such as road construction, mixing plants or production plants.

How to remove tar, asphalt or bitumen?

Because bitumen is a very tough product, it can be very difficult and costly to remove. The tough and sticky material adheres strongly to the surface. It requires special tools and techniques to remove it effectively without not damaging the underlying surface. Conventionally used cleaners designed to facilitate the removal of tar, asphalt, and bituminous contaminants usually pose an environmental burden. ECO-NOVA's cleaning solutions are an environmentally friendly alternative. At the same time, these cleaners are extremely effective and can be easily disposed of.

There are several methods for removing bitumen, depending on the type of surface and the amount of bitumen to be removed. Some of the common methods are:

Mechanical removal: This involves using special tools such as scrapers, spatulas or grinders to scrape or grind the bitumen off the surface.

Chemical removal: This involves the use of special chemicals to dissolve or dissolve the bitumen. This method is particularly effective in removing bitumen, tar and asphalt. A good alternative to cleaners containing hazardous substances are the ECO-NOVA cleaners, Bituclean Extra and Combisolv TR.

Blasting media: It is possible to remove tar, asphalt and bitumen with dry ice. This method requires the use of a dry ice blasting machine that blasts frozen carbon dioxide at a temperature of -79 degrees Celsius onto the contaminant and removes it. There are other abrasive blast cleaning methods that use a mixture of water and granules, for example.

Burning: If sufficient heat is applied to the bituminous contamination, the material liquefies and can be removed with putty knives or similar tools. However, this process produces carcinogenic fumes and should only be carried out with appropriate PPE.

It is important to note that each method has its advantages and disadvantages and that the choice of the right method depends on various factors, such as the type of surface, the amount of bitumen to be removed and the environmental impact.

Effective ECO-NOVA cleaners help to remove bitumen.

ECO-NOVA Bituclean Extra is a special industrial solvent for the removal of bitumen. The natural cleaning concentrate is free of danger signs and thus contains no hazardous ingredients. It is very productive and has a very good surface compatibility. Bituclean Extra is applied undiluted with a pressure sprayer. Depending on the layer thickness, it acts immediately on the bituminous contamination. The resulting temporary emulsification can be disposed of via your oil separator.

Thanks to our safe & modern cleaners, bitumen, asphalt and tar can be efficiently removed in construction, industry and road building today. The correct and safe handling of cleaning solutions should be considered during cleaning, as well as the use of protective clothing and personal protective equipment (PPE).

Microsoft Teams

Why do we use Microsoft Teams at Eco-Nova?

Since the Corona pandemic, a lot has changed not only in our personal lives, but also in our professional lives. From chats at the coffee machine to Friday afternoon drinks to company events, there have been some changes in our work environment. Likewise, the visits to our customers, the demonstrations in production or good personal conversations, had to be omitted.

We value personal contact very much, but the corona pandemic and the energy crisis have shown us that a rethink is needed. For the social aspect in the customer-supplier relationship, we were looking for a communication solution and found it at Microsoft, with their Teams solution. Video chat as a means of communication has become the focus for many companies. For us, it was crucial to find a solution that was already known and established by our customers. The fact that many customers use Outlook as an e-mail program and that the chat function is already included spoke in favor of Microsoft Teams.

Video chat in our company structure

Microsoft Teams gives us the opportunity in a way to maintain a personal contact with our customers. The tool offers us a good alternative to share information. We can hold meetings and work on solutions in our customer projects. Even though it doesn't replace face-to-face meetings on site, we appreciate this way of keeping in touch with customers and have integrated this tool into our company structure. We are glad to have the opportunity to exchange and get to know each other digitally.

Feel free to make an appointment via teams here.

Quality management according to ISO 9001

Why did we choose ISO 9001 certification?

Quality is not a self-image, rather quality must be systematically managed. This is what ECO-NOVA GmbH wants to achieve.

With the introduction of this standard in quality management, we improve company performance at all levels. In addition to the internal reasons for introducing such a standard, there are customers who demand this from us as a supplier. In the last years we have worked constantly on our quality management which has led to an improvement of our services, internal processes but also our products. We have reduced our error rate as well as complaints from our customers to a minimum.

ISO 9001:2015, a quality management that suits us.

Our QM is adapted to the size of our company. Working with an external partner helps us get rid of tunnel vision and look at our own system from the outside. We have managed to streamline our quality management in such a way that it increases efficiency on the one hand and reduces the workload on the other. We thus ensure the quality of our products for our customers.

We are proud to have received our certificate by DEKRA again this year. Our thanks go to Saskia, who is responsible for the quality management as a quality representative and thus plays a significant role in fulfilling the criteria for the ISO 9001 certification.

Hazard Symbol Check - Why?

Substitution of cleaners containing hazard symbols

It is becoming increasingly important for manufacturing companies to remove cleaners marked with hazard symbols from production facilities and replace them with harmless and safe cleaning solutions.

Many know this... On the cleaners that are used every day, there are all kinds of hazard warnings and hazard pictograms such as, flame, fish or skull and crossbones. In many industrial plants, for example, toxic, corrosive or irritant products are used for cleaning. These products pose a hazard to employees and the environment. In cases of cracking, sticking or to remove oils and greases, "harsh" cleaners are used. These hazardous cleaners require special measures such as PPE or storage instructions. The fact that these cleaners are marked with symbols and that corresponding safety data sheets are available for them is regulated under the International Regulation for Hazardous Substances (CLP). In this way, the occupational safety specialist knows how to assess the hazards and what protective measures are necessary in order to use the cleaning agents.

Improve safety and save costs


To ensure the safety of symbolic cleaners, many measures are necessary in the company. Special storage requirements apply to liquid cleaning products. Storage rooms must be well ventilated and first aid measures and PPE (personal protective equipment) must be adapted to the liquids to be stored. It is necessary to instruct employees and to train personnel regularly. When storing liquids together, it should be noted that acids and alkalis must be stored separately from each other. When storing larger quantities, measures e.g. fire protection, fire department plan etc. must be taken into account, from a storage quantity of 200 liters. fire water retention must be provided. Depending on the hazard class, many regulations must be observed. With cleaning solutions from ECO-NOVA, safety can be improved and costs can be saved.

We substitute cleaners with hazard symbols


Companies and employees are often unaware of the possible consequences of using cleaners containing hazardous substances. The intoxicating effect of some ingredients can also lead to unconscious dependence (e.g. painter's disease) on solvents.

A regular check of the cleaners therefore makes sense. For companies, it is often time-consuming to keep an inventory of cleaners and, despite hazard symbols, there is a great reluctance to replace classic, questionable cleaners with an ecological and safe alternative. However, awareness in purchasing is increasingly changing, because the assumption that a cleaner only works if it contains harsh or hazardous substances is no longer valid.

The demand for safe, ecological and innovative cleaning solutions is increasing. Also in the context of the "ecological footprint" this becomes more and more in the focus of the industry and the manufacturing sector. ECO-NOVA GmbH supports companies in the substitution of cleaners with hazard symbols. We inventory the existing portfolio of products containing hazardous substances and offer ecological and justifiable alternatives up to customized cleaning solutions.


The war in Ukraine affects us all

Our team follows the events in Ukraine daily and the Ukrainians have our sympathy. We are concerned about the civilian population on the ground, the people on the run and the brave people who are fighting so valiantly against Russia's superior power.

Our team is concerned about the people in Ukraine

We strongly condemn such an act of war against a democratic and sovereign country and this is not compatible with our values and principles. We have decided not to continue or start any business activities with Russian companies. We currently do not purchase any raw materials from Russia and will not do so in the future. For our Made in Germany products we have all ingredients in stock and our supply chains are secured. We will continue to supply our customers reliably as usual.

The Eco-Nova team hopes for quick peace negotiations and an early end to this senseless war.


UN approval

What is a UN approval?

Some packaging in our range has a UN approval and is therefore suitable as packaging for hazardous materials. In this knowledge article you can learn more about UN approvals.

United Nations

Packaging for the transport of dangerous goods must be certified. For this purpose, there are regulations laid down by the United Nations (UN). The UN Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) is responsible for setting and regulating these standards. UN certification is part of a uniform system for the classification, packaging, marking and labeling of hazardous materials to ensure safe transport. The national and international transport of hazardous goods by road, rail, water and air is governed without exception by this system of ADR, GHS and UN specifications.


In order to obtain UN certification, a package is first tested. This involves, among other things, drop tests to prove that the packaging is suitable for the transport of dangerous goods. The tests take place under specific conditions.

Test mark

After UN approval or certification, the mark is embossed on the packaging in the form of an indelible number. A UN test mark looks like this, for example:

UN indicates that there is a United Nations approval for hazardous substances.

3H1 denotes the type of packaging, in this case a plastic canister with non-removable lid. 1H2 stands for drum with removable lid.

The letters X, Y or Z indicate in which packing group (hazard group) the package was tested:

X = Packing group I (high hazard)

Y = Packing group II (medium hazard)

Z = Packing group III (low hazard)

If packaging has been tested for high hazard substances, it may also contain medium or low hazard substances. The following therefore applies to the contents of the packaging:

X = suitable for substances of packing group I, II and III

Y = suitable for substances of packing group II and III

Z = suitable for substances of packing group III

1.9 indicates the maximum specific gravity of the liquid to be packed. In the case of solids, the number indicates the maximum permissible gross weight (in kg) of the packaging including contents. In the example, this is therefore 81 kg.

200 stands for the maximum hydrostatic pressure (internal pressure) that the packaging can withstand for liquids, expressed in kilopascals (kPa) and rounded down to the nearest 10 kPa. For solids, an S is listed.

19 stands for the year of manufacture. The UN approval of plastic packaging must not be older than 5 years. In the second example, the year is not indicated because the UN approval was on a main document of the packaging. However, the year of manufacture must always appear on the packaging itself.

D is the country where the test took place, in these examples here it is Germany and the Netherlands (NL).

The last character string designates the certification body of the packaging in question. It appears in the form of a name, manufacturer's mark or a code of the certification body.

UFI numbers - What you need to know

From 2021, the labels on our packaging will bear a so-called UFI number or UFI code. In this article, our dangerous goods officer, Mark Brumme, informs you about the new UFI numbers.

Example of a UFI number: P4TM-JOY2-700M-FSVS

It is an alphanumeric code with 16 digits, divided into four sections by hyphens. This label will be mandatory from 2025 for all products that pose health or physical hazards.

What is this new UFI number all about?

UFI stands for "Unique Formula Identifier". The UFI code is intended to help take the right measures in the event of poisoning. Poison control centers have access to a directory of these numbers and can thus quickly and safely identify the ingredients and properties of the product.

For which products is the UFI number mandatory?

The UFI number must be affixed to all products containing hazardous ingredients. However, as a voluntary measure, the information may also be used for non-hazardous products. So if you find a UFI number on our products, it does not necessarily mean that it is also a hazardous product.

Where do the rules of the new UFI number apply?

The UFI number is the implementation of the information from Article 45 of EU Regulation 1272/2008. Since this is a European regulation, you will find the UFI number or code on products from all EU countries in the future.

What are the deadlines?

From when the UFI number must be affixed to products depends on their distribution. A distinction is made as to whether a product is sold to private end users, to commercial users or to industrial companies:

Private users as of 01.01.2021
Commercial users from 01.01.2021
Industry from 01.01. 2024
Products reported before 01.01.2021 as of 01.01.2025

Regardless of these deadlines, you will find the UFI number on our products with immediate effect. We also indicate the UFI number on products that do not have any hazardous ingredients. In addition, you will also find the UFI number on our safety data sheets in the future.

What to do in case of an accident?

We do not want you to be injured by one of our or other products, but if this should happen, the stored information will help the medical professional to take the right measures. To make this possible, please take a picture of the product (e.g. with a cell phone) and bring the picture (or the cell phone) to the accident room. Using the UFI number, the doctor can then obtain important information from the poison control center. Since not all products with emergency numbers have the information yet during a transition period, you should also have the product name and manufacturer ready (or take a picture). If it is one of our products, you can also bring our safety data sheet to the emergency physician instead.

If you have any further questions about UFI numbers or UFI code, please feel free to contact us at any time.

Expansion of the production and logistics area at the Schüttorf site.

Eco-Nova GmbH will expand its premises by twice the area this year due to the steadily increasing demand for safe and industrial cleaners.

The new administration building including a production and logistics hall at the Schüttorf site was completed in 2000.

In 2008, after 8 years, the first expansion followed with the addition of another warehouse and production hall.

Now after another 12 years, the extension of the usable area is necessary again.

The new building will be realized directly next to the existing building. The new hall is intended for the production as well as the goods issue.

By installing a photovoltaic system on the roof, we are also fulfilling our responsibility to operate sustainably and protect the environment.

The use of the new hall is planned from October 2020.


The wooden house in the industrial area - The environment is important to us

To build a company building with cedar cladding in the middle of the industrial area of Schüttorf is a statement of the company founder Rudi de Leeuw.

The claim of the native Dutchman shows not only the connection to nature, but also the courage for new things. In the history of the company, founded in 1993, one quickly recognizes that courage was also the key to ECO-NOVA's success. Even as a young company, our products were able to convince world-renowned industry giants - and this has not changed until today.

In today's age, it is almost impossible to go through life without some environmental pollution. In everyday life we encounter unnecessary or superfluous packaging and much more. Everyone sets their own standards at this point.

Our approach is respect for nature and people. Since its foundation, ECO-NOVA has already been working on the basis of natural active ingredients in order to achieve the highest possible environmental compatibility. The adaptation of our products to the needs of our customers additionally reduces unnecessarily used active ingredients and further minimizes a burden on our common environment.

That is why you should continue to wash your hands thoroughly

Soap is an important tool to protect yourself and prevent the spread of coronavirus.

How does soap work?

The outermost layer of the coronavirus consists of fat, and soap is a good means of removing fat. That is why we are also regularly recommended to wash our hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. Soap destroys the fat layer of the coronavirus, causing it to break down and render it harmless. The remains of the virus are washed away with water.

Enjoy the summer and stay healthy.

Your Eco-Nova Team

Worldwide shortage of spray heads

In these times of the Covid-19 pandemic, we, Eco Nova GmbH, are also faced with challenges.

Due to stricter hygiene measures and the resulting increase in the use of disinfectants, the consumption of spray heads has risen dramatically worldwide.

Unfortunately, this is currently causing delivery bottlenecks for our usual solvent-resistant spray heads.

As a transitional measure, we therefore supply our customers with an alternative, but also solvent-resistant spray head. This continues to ensure the proper use and handling of our products.

As soon as the usual spray heads are available again, we will of course provide them for you again.

Hazardous substances and dangerous goods

These two terms are almost inseparably linked with cleaning agents. Often, "harsh agents" had to be used to remove aggressive soiling safely and sustainably. Fortunately, this often no longer has to be the case today.

Cleaning agents from Eco-Nova often contain much milder agents or come entirely without hazardous substances. This is made possible by progressive development and testing of different chemicals and mixtures. During development, preference is given to chemicals that have no hazardous effects or only to a lesser extent.

Nevertheless, hazardous substances of different strengths are still needed for certain solutions. But even the less hazardous agents have properties that must be pointed out. Here, relevant expertise is required to enable a good and safe classification.

Safety data sheets are intended to draw the attention of the occupational user to the various hazardous properties and ingredients so that the occupational safety specialist is in a position to carry out risk assessments for the specific application.

Hazard pictograms, as well as H- and P-phrases (Hazard Statements and Precautionary Statements), which are affixed to the packaging, are intended to draw the user's attention to the hazards.

If hazardous materials are transported, hazardous goods law must often also be observed. In addition to the correct classification of the cleaning agents according to dangerous goods law, the correct selection of high-quality packaging is important, which also needs to be labeled according to dangerous goods law. Finally, the shipment receives a transport document that refers to the hazardous contents and properties. This ensures that the cleaning agents arrive safely at the customer's premises and can serve their purpose of cleaning stubborn dirt.

Why is it worth switching to safe cleaners?

Your employees still have to use cleaners with hazard symbols? The cleaners are working fine and you see no reason to change anything? The potential hazards seem to be under control with the use of PPE? So why change anything if there doesn't seem to be a need? That's still the thinking of many companies. So the justification for cleaners such as MEK, NMP, toluene, ethyl acetate, terpenes, etc. still seems to be there, even though many veteran cleaners have been shown to be carcinogenic, for example. Certainly, in 99% of companies, the will is there to protect employees from hazards. However, taking a step into the unknown by switching to new types of cleaners requires courage and active action. Often this fails, even if the intention is there. From our own experience, however, we can say that there are many good reasons to actively take the step toward safe cleaners.

Many of our customers now approach us and are happy to have substituted the dangerous cleaners, because their employees have long since honored the better working conditions. Even if the change was not accepted by everyone at first.
The advantages are obvious.

After the changeover, supervisors and decision-makers no longer have to justify the use of hazardous cleaners to auditors or superiors. Possible fines or sanctions, e.g. for exceeding workplace limits, which are no longer a rarity due to increasingly restrictive specifications, could also be circumvented by customers using our cleaners. In addition to the aspect of occupational safety, the economic factor thus plays an increasingly important role in the decision for the right cleaner. And what if your own customer places great emphasis on the issue of occupational safety, but you still use chemical pesticides and your customer finds out about it? In the end, it's things like this that can set you apart from the competition.

You are looking for safe cleaners or want to replace critical cleaners. Talk to us. We will support you with a detailed consultation on site.

By the way, our cleaners are recommended by BG ETEM.

Conformities, certifications and development of cleaners

The requirements for your end products are becoming more and more extensive on many levels, whether due to legal requirements or customer-specific requests. One customer would like to receive a certificate of conformity that the products supplied have been produced under food-safe conditions, another demands that the cleaner used in the production process complies with legal requirements and, for example, does not contain any substances on the SVHC list.

Certifications by NSF or ISEGA 

These increased requirements on the part of our customers run through the entire supply chain, which is why we see it as our duty to simplify these admittedly inconvenient but necessary procedures and activities as far as possible for our customers. We succeed in this through an active policy. Many of our cleaners, for example, have food safety certificates from the NSF or the ISEGA Institute that are recognized in the market, so that many customer requirements can already be certified "out of the box.

Specific customer inquiries for which there is not yet a standardized certificate are always answered quickly and reliably thanks to the know-how we have built up over many years. And if it should happen that a cleaner does not meet a requirement, we sit down together with our customers to find a solution that satisfies all demands for performance, conformity and safety.

Both sides benefit from this cooperative partnership. On the one hand, the joint development process results in cleaners that are unique and tailored to the individual needs of our customers. On the other hand, we gather new knowledge that flows into the development of new innovative products. In the process, we have been maintaining an increasingly extensive database for many years, which allows us to act flexibly and with an eye to the future in the interests of our customers.

Many of our cleaning concentrates already have food certification by NSF or ISEGA such as Meganova, Novatrax, Microsolv or Gluemex. Contact our technical team directly if you have new requirements for your cleaners or processes. We will take care of your request and make your work as easy as possible.

Biosurfactant cleaners for industry

In industry, cleaning is quite simple: it must be quick and clean enough not to jeopardize production. Chemical and aggressive cleaners are often used to achieve the desired result. Often, the aspect of environmental compatibility falls victim to these primary goals. Another problem arises from the frequently high pH values: skin irritations and allergies can be the result.

Surfactants are needed for dirt- and grease-dissolving cleaning. They have a molecular structure that is particularly conducive to cleaning: on the one hand, they attract water (hydrophilic), and on the other, they attract grease (lipophilic). In this way, they infiltrate firmly adhering dirt and separate it from the surface. The dirt particles dissolve in the water and are rinsed off.

The latest generation of biosurfactants brings all expectations both innovative and sustainable to a point: Despite their strong cleaning power, they are so mild to the skin that they are even used in the cosmetics industry. What's more, they are produced entirely naturally by microorganisms and are 100% biodegradable.

We currently have two biosurfactant cleaners in our range.